Quality essay writing
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Reunification Issues of Central American Immigrants Essay
Reunification Issues of Central American Immigrants - Essay Example However, in the present period of data and information, it might be seen that it has gotten more significant than any other time in recent memory to watch out for including writing that relates legitimately to the investigation and discoveries of the current subject. This is the place an audit of the writing comes in as it enables the analyst to take a gander at the utilization of writing assembled in a basic way. As per Cooper (Davies et al, 2003) a writing audit utilizes as its database reports of essential or unique grant, and doesn't report new essential grant itself. The essential reports utilized in the writing might be verbal, however in by far most of cases reports are composed records. The kinds of grant might be experimental, hypothetical, basic/investigative, or methodological in nature. Second a writing audit looks to depict, sum up, assess, explain and additionally coordinate the substance of essential reports. These standards as set somewhere around Cooper have been followed in guaranteeing that the writing utilized inside this thesis has been investigated cautiously so as to exclude immaterial bits of work and incorporate just those that are pertinent to the subject. (Davies et al, 2003) This paper along these lines sums up the different works that have been utilized as far as different sub points and areas inside the exposition. In doing as such, there is a nearby association with the system and fundamental explanation of the exposition. The standards acquired from crafted by the researchers that have been utilized in this exposition relate straightforwardly with the announcement of this paper. As a country, the United States of America has followed through on a substantial cost for achieving development. This is by all accounts the essential reason whereupon writer T.H Breen has manufactured the belief systems that shapes the country, in his book named, The Power of Words - Documents in American History. This book depends on a significant part of American history which begins similarly as the common war finished in 1860. History is still frequently observed as the introduction of realities from an earlier time, with the goal that learning includes the simple retention of the realities. What leaves a mark on the world so fascinating and invigorating, nonetheless, are the discussions that rise over the realities. From a beginning time, the center entry propelled moral shock among those restricted to the slave exchange, who frequently regarded it as the most horrendous piece of the entire slave understanding. As of late a few researchers have contended that such good shock ha s prompted an exaggerated instead of a chronicled record of the center section. I have attempted to introduce a contention that we need an increasingly adjusted and less moralistic record of the center entry from the viewpoint of the changing qualities and difficulties hurled by industrialization. (Breen T. H; 1997) This focuses to the crumbling of the customary family framework with regards to the rise of the new, settler family inside Central America where moving in the direction of making another personality is the thing that includes the most as far as reunification issues and issues relating to detachment during movement of whole families. Another significant bit of writing in such manner is by Coutin (2005) who accepts that viciousness against youngsters is the most well-known base of
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A baseball Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
A baseball - Essay Example There's a man in Mobile who remember that Honus Wagner strike a triple in Pittsburgh 46 years back that is baseball. As is the scout detailing that a 16-year-old sandlot container in Cheyenne is the coming Walter Johnson.Baseball is a commanding race of man close to man, response against response. A round of creep. Every aptitude is conscious. Each brave, each decaying is seen and hails or booed. And afterward turns into a sign. In baseball, fair framework sparkles its most clear. The just race that issues is the race to the pack (Hardly a Baseball Hotbed, 2003).The principal recorded baseball rivalry occurred a year thereafter, in 1846. Cartwright's Knickerbockers lost to the New York Baseball Club in an interest at the Elysian Fields, in Hoboken, New Jersey. These unpaid games transform into extra repetitive and all the more popular. In 1857, a social event of beginner groups was called to discuss rules and different issues. Twenty five groups from the upper east sent hand over. Th e ensuing year, they framed the National Association of Base Ball Players, the essential arranged baseball group. In its first year of activity, the alliance bolstered itself by sporadically charging fans for induction. The up and coming looked incredibly bright.The mid 1860s, however were a period of colossal disorder in the United States. In those long stretches of the social War, the quantity of baseball clubs dropped fundamentally.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Six Recent Life-Changing Thoughts on Food
Six Recent Life-Changing Thoughts on Food I. Emergency Dinner Sunday afternoon catches me cooking for 30+ in a hot frantic kitchen where the concentrated afternoon heat fringes on vile. Might I mention that my cooking partner, Danny, is flamingly vegan in the friendliest sense of the phrase. His trip to Whole Foods ended with a miniature avalanche of lentils, peppers, onions, brown rice, fat pungent mushrooms, like a million thimble-sized cans of tomato paste, tempeh, wheat buns, six chipotle peppers, pita bread, and yuppieish bottles of marinades, agave syrup, organic molasses, and cider vinegar messily cluttered over the counter. Tonights dinner will feature an ambitious BBQ-themed menu complemented by a spasm of last-minute surprises: stir, simmer, serve. Stage 1: chopped onions mutiny and leap overboard. Stage 2: an aborted experiment in homemade black bean burgers is sublimated into a thick savory stew. Stage 3: minutes before serving, an entire pan of baked pesto tofu is briskly upended onto the neat red tile floor, during which Jon accid entally grills the terriyaki-glazed pineapple sans aluminum foil and then deliberately grills a pretty slab of locally-raised maple-cured ham that turns out to be invisible until right after everyone leaves the dinner table. Mishaps aside, the inaugural mouthful of thick wild mushroom gravy slathered over honey walnut bread, chased by burgers under smothering spoonfuls of spicy homemade organic-molasses-and-agave chipotle BBQ sauce, injected a bloom of forgiveness into stomach and heart embittered by 2.5 hours of peeling/chopping/boiling/blending/grilling/saucing/baking/cleaning/scouring/sweating. Forks swoon and groan under pilings of rice-and-lentil burgers, mushroom gravy, grilled pineapple slices, bratwurst, hamburgers, Whole Foods-brand wheat buns, pita bread, black bean stew, teriyaki baked tofu, and musky-sweet BBQ sauce that makes me want to weep honeyed, tangy tears of the same sauce, because it would frankly be the most delicious act of weeping ever. Night drops like a blanket, and I am suffused with sticky satisfying exhaustion. Not that Id ever do it again. II. Breakfast as Therapy College is a breeding ground for weirdly poignant relationships with food. A friend of mine ate nothing but bread and cereal for a week. I once ate seven bowls of cereal in one day. Ive also eaten cereal that my roommate claimed off of MITs reuse mailing list at 2 AM one night. One of the GRTs in Random Hall bought a small nations GDP-worth of cereal at Star Market once because it was on sale. He is currently undergoing an emotional separation from boxes of expired Life*. *A lucid metaphor for the fate of the average stuck-in-grad-school grad student, as it so happens. Ive come to believe that the gentle predictability of cereal, the ubiquitous crunch and murmured tingle of glucose, fulfills the freshmans unspoken need for comfort, stasis, eternal breakfast. Same with bananas, with their blond sweetness and 69 cents-per-pound price tag at your nearest grocery store. Cereal and bananas are basically the only things you can depend on on when the sight of your daily itinerary inspires schizophrenia. Which is why its so heartbreaking when your banana peel wont open the right way. III. Pineapple One night, I walked outside onto Massachusetts Avenue and got hijacked into a city-wide dance party on the busiest street in Cambridge- i.e., a glowstick-festooned mass of 800+ tax-paying citizens pulsating unhygenically to the throbbing ear-stabbing beats of 80s disco and soul. Because this was thriller, thriller night, and no ones going to save me from the Mass. Ave. Dance Party about to strike, I caved in and joined, barely pausing to appreciate the florally-patterned light displays and the centrifugal skillz of the nocturnal neon-studded hula hoopers. I tripped home, amputated a pineapple, and devoured a slice of bright tart fruit doused in plenty of balsamic vinegar and heaping mounds of cayenne powder. It felt more like getting punched in the face by a pineapple, but nonetheless I dug the fork deep into the tender yellow flesh and let the pineapple have its revenge on my face. IV. Matt Ritter Eats Lunch 90% of the food consumed in college does not come packaged with social constraints. Matt Ritters favorite snack involves spaghetti-os, lemon juice, fruit loops, an ice cream sandwich, and two slices of high-quality whole-wheat bread. Just imagine the most natural way to eat all of the above in one bite, and you will have recreated Matt Ritters unpatentable recipe. On ordinary days, Matt Ritter favors quieter tastes, such as that of a banana omelette cooked in a high-power microwave (open a tortilla, slice bananas over it, crack two eggs over the whole mess, pop into microwave, serve with an immensity of peanut butter). Matt Ritter also pours cereal on everything, including chili beans. V. The Beef-Shank Redemption Last weekend, a menu plastered in the dingy-cornered window of Thailand Cafe hooked my eye. In past experience, Thailand Cafe has served weak curries infused with the chefs secret blend of regret and stunning blandness. Thailand Cafe is somewhat redeemed by the fact that it is cheap, usually empty, and all of ten feet away from Random Hall and less than ten minutes walking distance away from most of MIT. Some people appear to enjoy Thailand Cafe; other people understand the pleasure of eating food that contains nonzero amounts of seasoning. Yet the idealist buried inside my contemptuous, hard-shell gourmand fantasizes that maybe, just maybe, Thailand Cafes crappiness hides a brilliant chef trapped in a cocoon of terrible menu decisions, forever catering to an audience whose tastes are slightly more sophisticated than those of a pogo stick. Pin this as my excuse for barging inside one morning, asking the waitress for the semi-secret Sichuan menu (the chef and waitstaff are all Chinese, by the way), and ordering a lineup of dishes straight from the obscenest dreams of a passive-aggressive vegetarian Buddhist. I started with cold beef tripe and tongue, bathed in chili oil and garnished with chopped peanuts. The thin, flaking slices alternated between meltingly tender and softly chewy as only intestines can be, but they conspicuously lacked the bone-shattering crunch of tendon that usually makes this dish so texturally addictive. Not bad, could use a few more generous shots of capsaicin. Next came a bed of velvety, salty curls of smoked pork belly, thickly streaked with iridescent milky-white fat, an indulgent contrast to the sleek silky sheaths of leek in company. Well-played. Finally, braised beef was drop-dead gorgeous in a feisty dress of cumin, cilantro, and Sichuan pepper. Trying to relive a bite of sizzling meat juice bursting through a crust of hot spices endangers the propriety of language, so Ill stop here. Slowly, my heart is gasping out room to forgive Thailand Cafe for their unspeakable red curry combo. VI. Poem about Wild Raspberries by a Jeep A miracle of ripe red raspberries hatches upon the hedges in pikas parking lot. Vermilion with a vengeance, the juicy light through the baby bubbles gurgles the eye. Plucky hairs poke raw fingertips, piercing incisors, mouth madly pulping plump red berries: A bloodletting under pearly teeth.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
How Does The Student s Affect His Or Her Learning And /...
Discussion of One Question: How does the student’s exceptionality affect his or her learning and/or behavior? Include descriptions of strengths, interests, and talents as well as those areas that pose a challenge to the student. (K ’s) exceptionality hasn’t change, who, he is as a student or individual. He s just like most of our student’s who is struggling to learn grade level material and being a ESL (English Second Language) student has challenged his ability to translate comprehension between the two languages. As I stated before (K) has an (IEP) to help give him strategies to comprehend core academics. (K) express confusion and he doesn’t understand why some subjects are easy for him and others are more difficult. He is a great reader and (K) can answer most single direction question about a math problem; however, if the problem is asking him to set- up a multi-digit mathematical problem. He tends to have a more difficult time setting up mathe matical problem with the correct math operation.One of (K) many strengths is his ability to read with fluency. He always will to help his fellow classmates on math problems that are easy for him to solve. His academic strength lies in math, even though, he struggles with higher math functions/problems. (K) has been place in advance band by his band director, due to his dedication in playing different instruments. (K) is also an extra helper for the band teacher due to his dedication to music. He loves to play soccer, basketball,Show MoreRelatedSocial Learning And Constructivism Theory1030 Words  | 5 PagesSocial Learning and Constructivism Learning is described as a process by which behavior changes as a result of experience. According to Merriam and Cafarella (1991), there are five theories/orientations to learning, two of which will be compared in this paper; social learning theory and constructivism theory. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Patient Physician Relationship For Effective Delivery...
1.0 Introduction and Background of the Study Privacy is an underlying governing principle of the patient-physician relationship for effective delivery of healthcare. Patients are required to share information with their physicians to facilitate correct diagnosis and determination of treatment, especially to avoid adverse drug interactions. However patients may refuse to disclose important information in cases of health problems such as psychiatric behavior and HIV as their disclosure may lead to social stigma and discrimination. Over time, a patient’s medical record accumulates significant personal information including identification, history of medical diagnosis, digital renderings of medical images, treatment received medication†¦show more content†¦Extended Enterprise Figure 1.1: Typical Information flow in a Healthcare System On the other hand, one must also protect sensitive patient information from being distributed to unauthorized persons, that is, one should strive to maintain patient privacy. Patient information is thus a critical factor in healthcare and should follow the patient during the whole patient process even if the patient visits more than one healthcare provider, that is, in distributed healthcare. Protecting patient information has always been a high priority within the healthcare domain. When electronic healthcare records (EHR) are used, the availability of patient information increases. Think for instance of the medical information of patients: a typical hospital is visited by thousands of patients each year and for each patient, the hospital needs to store contact details, insurance information, appointments with medical specialists, and a medical data: medical reports, radiography pictures, laboratory results and more. Medical professionals need to accessShow MoreRelatedThe Strategic Plan For A Company Essay1416 Words  | 6 Pagesmeasures involving provider communication, pain management, and patient understanding of post discharge care and treatment information. Stakeholders connected to these measures include: 1) Organizational leaders – Board of Trustees, Executive Director, and Finance Officer; 2) Providers – physicians and physician extenders; 3) Nursing leadership; 4) Nursing Associates; 5) Ancillary support staff – pharmacy and phy sical therapy; and 6) Patients/Families/Caregivers. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Martin Luther the Reformer Free Essays
Commonly referred to as, â€Å"The Father of Protestantism†(Funk and Wagnalls 337), â€Å"Martin Luther was born into a world dominated by the Catholic Church†(www. pbs. org). We will write a custom essay sample on Martin Luther: the Reformer or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Luther had no intention of opposing the authority of Rome†(Funk and Wagnalls 336) but God had other plans. Martin Luther, who â€Å"was named after St Martin†(www. pbs. org) was born on November 10th, 1483 (Thulin 11). Mansfeld was his hometown, although he was born in Eisleben (Thulin 11). His parents moved to Mansfeld, to improve his father’s job prospect, in 1484 right after Luther’s birth (Thulin 12). After moving to Mansfeld, Luther’s father, Hans, became a miner (Thulin 11). â€Å"By 1491 the Luthers were one of the most respected families in Mansfeld†(www. pbs. org). Luther himself stayed in Mansfeld until 1496 (Thulin 12). Luther came from a family of peasants, (Thulin 11) his â€Å"parents were simple folk†(Erikson 54) and are described as â€Å"a pair of hardworking and pious Germans†(www. pbs. org). Martin’s father was the son of a farmer and â€Å"ruled his son with an iron fist†(www. pbs. org). In fact, Luther said â€Å"My father once whipped me so hard I ran away – I hated him until he finally managed to win me back†(www. bs. org). His mother, Margaret Luther, (Thulin 11) â€Å"came from a small but very well-off family†(www. pbs. org). Margaret is also described as â€Å"a harsh disciplinarian†(www. pbs. org). Luther said on the subject of parents, â€Å"When God wants to speak with us, he do es not avail himself of an angel but of parents†(www. pbs. org). Luther’s parents had high hopes for their first son (www. pbs. org). They wanted him to become a lawyer because his father thought that â€Å"a man of Martin’s gifts trained in the law would rise even higher in the social scale†(Green 34). Luther â€Å"resented his father’s attempt to dominate his life and to push him into a career which he had selected for him†(Green 35), but he complied with his parents’ wishes (www. pbs. org). When Luther, out of terror, made a vow to become a monk his father was completely devastated (Bainton 21, www. pbs. org). In fact, â€Å"He did not tell his father of his final decision until he was behind the friary walls†(Green 35). Luther was educated in the schools of Eisenach and Magdeburg and in 1501, at the age of 17, he entered the University of Erfurt (Funk and Wagnalls 335, Erikson 24). Luther received his master’s degree at 21, in 1505 (Erikson 24). Years later in 1512, at 28, he â€Å"became a doctor of theology†(Erikson 24). That same year he was made professor of Biblical Literature and the year after he became a priest he became â€Å"a lecturer at the University of Wittenberg†(Funk and Wagnalls 335). On July 2nd of 1505 Luther experienced an event that would change his life forever (Thulin 16). â€Å"†¦ caught in a thunderstorm, terrified by the possibility of imminent death†¦ †(www. pbs. org) he cried out to St. Anne for help and vowed to become a monk (Bainton 21). Later that same year, at the age of 23, he entered the monastery (Erikson 24). Luther, in the summer of 1506, â€Å"became a fully-professed friar†(Green 37) and he celebrated his first mass in the Augustinian monastery in 1507 (Thulin 17). Although his Father did not approve of him becoming a monk, Hans went to great expense to make this occasion a festive day (Thulin 17). Luther was a devout monk for 20 years (Thulin 17, Simon 3). â€Å"As young monk Luther was obsessed with atoning for his sins†(www. pbs. org. com). He lived a holy life in the monastery, embracing â€Å"the rules of his order with unstinted zeal†(Green 37). From 1512 to 1513 Luther, spiritually uneasy, moved theologically away from orthodox teaching†(Green 45). He became â€Å"increasingly doubtful that the Church can actually offer him salvation at all†this is when he discovers that only â€Å"his own individual faith will guarantee his salvation†(www. pbs. org). Lut her â€Å"turns on the Church, attacking its practice of selling indulgences†(www. pbs. org). â€Å"It was his deliberate intention to prove that the doctrine of indulgences contravened the teaching of the Gospel†(Green 59). Although he â€Å"had no intention of†¦ ausing a schism in the church†(Funk and Wagnalls 336), â€Å"Luther had†¦ very little idea of where his criticisms were likely to lead him†(Green 59). He attacked the selling of indulgences in the 95 theses, which he nailed â€Å"to the door of the castle church in Wittenberg†in 1517 at the age of 32 (www. pbs. org, Funk and Wagnalls 336, Erikson 24). This action is regarded as the beginning of the Protestant Reformation (Funk and Wagnalls 336). In April of 1523, nine nuns arrived in Wittenberg (Thulin 85). They had escaped from a nunnery in empty fish barrels to take refuge in Wittenberg (www. bs. org). â€Å"Luther felt responsible to find for them all homes, husbands, o r positions of some sort†(Bainton 287). The last nun he placed was one named Katherine von Bora (Bainton 287). Hans had a great desire for Luther to â€Å"pass on the name†and it was suggested that Luther should marry Katherine when he had trouble placing her, but he did not take this suggestion seriously (Bainton 288). But just two years after her arrival, in May of 1525, Luther said that he wanted to marry Katherine before his death (Bainton 288). So, â€Å"†¦ choing a trend across Europe as former nuns and monks married†¦ †(www. pbs. org), Martin Luther and Katherine von Bora were married on June 13th, 1525 (Thulin 95). At 42, Luther â€Å"was beyond the customary age for marriage†and â€Å"Katherine was 16 years younger than†her husband at a youthful 26 (www. pbs. org, Bainton 288). Luther said, â€Å"There is no more lovely, friendly, and charming relationship, communion, or company than a good marriage†(www. pbs. org). H e also thought that â€Å"the man is the head of the wife because he was created first†(Bainton 299). Katherine von Bora was born in 1499 and her mother died soon after her birth (www. pbs. org, Bainton 291). Her father entered her into â€Å"the convent school of the Benedictine order†in 1504 and in 1508 she entered into the convent of Nimbschen (www. pbs. org). Just a few years later, in 1515 she took her vows (www. pbs. org). It was quite a task for Katherine to take care of Luther, considering he was often sick (Bainton 292, 293). After a while, Katherine became quite the doctor, in fact, the Luther household became the hospital of Wittenberg during times of epidemic (Simon 335). Luther said, â€Å"There is a lot to get used to in the first year of marriage†(Bainton 290); this is probably because Katherine took over the Luther household (www. pbs. org). â€Å"It is said that Dr. Luther did not have a clue how to run a household†, this is when Katherine stepped in and took over the household expenses (www. pbs. org). Since neither Katherine nor Luther had any money when they married (Bainton 291), and Luther wasn’t given a wage (www. pbs. org), to provide for the family, â€Å"In 1526 he installed a lathe, and learned woodworking†(Bainton 291). He â€Å"also housed students in his home to help the†family finances (www. pbs. org). On October 21, 1525 when Luther told a friend that Katherine was pregnant he said she was fulfilling the verse Genesis 1:28 (Bainton 293). Katherine bore six children in eight years, 3 boys and 3 girls (Bainton 291, 293 Simon 334). Martin and Katherine’s first child was a son, called Hans, born on June 7, 1526 (Bainton 293). A daughter, Elizabeth Luther was born on December 10, 1527, but on August 3rd of the next year, Elizabeth Luther died (Bainton 293, Thulin 103). On December 17, 1529 Magdalena Luther was born and nearly two years later Katherine gave birth to a son, who was named Martin Luther on November 9, 1531 (Bainton 293). Next was another son, Paul Luther on January 28, 1533, who later became a doctor, and finally Margaretha Luther was born to Martin and Katherine on December 17, 1534 (Bainton 292, 293). Sadly, on September 20th Martin Luther held Magdalena, his 14 year-old daughter, in his arms as she died (Bainton 304, Thulin 122). Life in the Luther house might have been somewhat hectic considering the â€Å"Luthers brought up four orphaned children from among relatives†(Bainton 294). Luther thought that â€Å"Children are subject to parents and especially to the father†(Bainton 299). Luther and Katherine are described as diligent parents, their children were well-disciplined, but in a loving way (www. pbs. org). â€Å"Luther doted on his large family†and although the house was always full â€Å"Their home was noted for its liveliness and its happiness†(www. pbs. org). Luther battled his whole life against depression (Bainton 362). â€Å"This man who so undergirded others with faith had for himself a perpetual battle for faith†(Bainton 359). â€Å"Luther felt that his depressions were necessary†(Bainton 362). These depressions were always about the same thing, the â€Å"loss of faith that God†was good to him, but Luther’s greatest problem came from how he should overcome his depressions (Bainton 361). He once said that â€Å"during the first year in the monastery the Devil is very quiet†this was not true later in Luther’s life (Bainton 37). Luther said, â€Å"When I go to bed, the Devil is always waiting for me†and he would even have direct encounters with the Devil himself (Bainton 362). Luther had a great enthusiasm for music (Bainton 340). â€Å"His interest in the arts was unusual among the reformers†(Funk and Wagnalls 337). He was â€Å"An accomplished Lute player†and he brought out a hymnbook in 1524 (www. pbs. org, Bainton 345). Luther’s most well known hymn is â€Å"A Mighty Fortress†which he wrote in the year of his deepest depression (Bainton 370). On February 14th, a few days before his death, Luther wrote his last letter to his wife (Thulin 127). He died later that month in the year 1546 at Eisleben and â€Å"was buried in the Castle Church of Wittenberg†(Thulin 128, Funk and Wagnalls 337). Luther never intended to become the Reformer for which he is remembered, in fact â€Å"Few people had heard of Martin Luther before he posted the 95 theses to the door of the Castle Church†(Green 9). He opposed the Catholic Church, â€Å"the most powerful institution of the day†(www. pbs. org), and is known as one of, if not, the most influential people in the history of the Christian Church. Works Cited Bainton, Roland H. Here I Stand: A Life Of Martin Luther. Abingdon-Cokesbury Press: New York. 1950 Erikson, Erik H.. Young Man Luther: A Study in Psychoanalysis and History. W. W. Norton Company Inc. : New York. 1962 Green, V. H. H.. Luther and the Reformation. B. T. Batsford LTD. : London. 1964 http://www. pbs. org 2003 Devillier Donegan Enterprises. February 1, 2009 [http://www. pbs. org/empires/martinluther/about_driv. html] http://www. pbs. org 2003 Devillier Donegan Enterprises. February 1, 2009 [http://www. pbs. org/empires/martinluther/char_parents. html] http://www. pbs. rg 2003 Devillier Donegan Enterprises. February 1, 2009 [http://www. pbs. org/empires/martinluther/char_wife. html] http://www. pbs. org 2003 Devillier Donegan Enterprises. February 1, 2009 [http://www. pbs. org/empires/martinluther/cheats. html] â€Å"LUTHER, Martin†Funk Wagnalls New Encyclopedia. Funk and Wagnalls, Inc. : New York 1979 Simon, Edith. Luther Alive: Martin Luther and the Making of the Reformation. Doub leday Company, INC. : New York. 1968 Thulin, Oskar. A Life Of Luther: Told in Pictures and Narrative by the Reformer and His Contemporaries. Fortress Press: Philadelphia. 1966 How to cite Martin Luther: the Reformer, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Pico Question-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about whether Green Tea is better than Blak Tea in Preventing Cancer. Answer: Introduction PICO QUESTION In young women (P) will drink green tea (I) prevent cancer (O) compared to drinking black tea (C). Tea is normally composed of polyphenols, alkaloids, amino acids, carbohydrates, proteins and volatile organic compounds. The polyphenols are a large group of phytochemicals that contain catechins, which are thought to be responsible for the prevention of cancer. Green tea contains abundant quantity of catechins that is epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) that is thought to be extremely helpful. In comparison to that black tea have much less concentration of catechins. Although both the kind of tea comes from the same plant Camellia sinesis, Black tea is made by fermentation which green tea does not have to pass through. During the fermentation process many natural benefits are lost in the case of black tea. An extensive search has been performed through various databases, articles and journals in order to address the PICO question. A data in a tabular form has been provided in this report to support the PICO question. Discussion Key words/ search terms/ Phrases Alternative words P Young adult AND Green tea Young adults AND benefits of green tea. Green tea OR cancer prevention. I Green tea Catechins AND cancer prevention Catechins AND reduction of oxidative stress. EGCG OR metastasis. Flavanoids AND anti cancer potential. Polyphenols OR Catechins. Flavanoids OR anticancer potential. C Black tea OR green tea in cancer prevention. Green tea Catechins AND black tea. Components of green tea Or black tea. O Green tea AND Antioxidants Antioxidants OR tumor cell shrinkage Antioxidants AND cancer prevention, antioxidants AND cancer cell shrinkage. CINAHL and MEDLINE have been used to do the research regarding the following PICOT question. Nurses and the health care professionals use the CINAHL database to find out a wide variety of journals. It makes the best use of the research informations. Science literatures have evolved from time to time in terms of their specialization and this website provides us with a vast array of scientific literatures. It is the best database while conducting a review of qualitative evidence. It also provides an advanced search with the limiters. MEDLINE focuses of biomedical and clinical journals. It is one of the most popular and responsible resources on the world wide web. It is an appropriate website for the scholars, physicians and the researchers, nurses. Both CINAHL and MEDLINE have provided with a variety of journals that addresses the PICOT question. Various journals regarding the antioxidant properties of Green tea over black tea had been discussed. ACTION SEARCH MODE RESULTS LIMITERS/EXPANDERS S1 Boolean/ phrase Young* AND Green tea, Cancer* 119 Limiters- Abstract Available; Published Date: 20100101-20171231; English Language; Peer Reviewed. Expander- * Young AND *Cancer S2 Boolean/ phrase Green tea* OR black tea * Green tea OR Cancer prevention 74 Limiters- Abstract Available; Published Date: 20100101-20171231; English Language; Peer Reviewed, Research article. Expander- Cancer*, Prevent* wildcard used. S3 Smart text searching Polyphenols OR Catechins in green tea for preventing cancer. 25 Expanders- Apply related words; Also search within the full text of the articles S4 Boolean/ phrase. Antioxidants* AND metastasis* 25 Full text, Published date: 20120101-20161231 Expanders- Antioxidants*AND Metastasis* wildcard used. S5 Smart text searching- Antioxidants and meta* 12 Limiters- Full text Published Date: 20120101-20161231 Publication: clinical nutrition English Language Peer Reviewed Expanders- Antioxidants* AND meta* S6 Smart text searching-Efficiency of Epi-gallactocatechin-3- gallate in the prevention of cancer 2 Limiters- Application of related words, Full text, English language, peer reviewed, 2014-2017. The PICO question of this assignment is about whether green tea is better than black tea in preventing cancer. Although there are very few evidences that can prove that green tea has any other extra beneficial effects than the black tea, but it can be said that Black tea is made by fermentation which green tea does not have to pass through. During the fermentation process many natural benefits are lost in case of the black tea. Iwasaki, M., Mizusawa, J., Kasuga, Y., Yokoyama, S., Onuma, H., Nishimura, H., ... Tsugane, S. (2014). Green Tea Consumption and Breast Cancer Risk in Japanese Women: A Case-Control Study.Nutrition Cancer,66(1), 57-67. doi:10.1080/01635581.2014.847963 The following research article provides information about the various components of green tea that helps in inhibiting the metastasis of the cancer. It also provides us with the idea of how the antioxidants apply their oxidative radicals on the tumour cells and helps in their destruction. The following journal is a review regarding how green tea consumption has role in minimizing breast cancer. Wang, P., Heber, D., Henning, S. M. (2012). Quercetin Increased the Antiproliferative Activity of Green Tea Polyphenol (-)-Epigallocatechin Gallate in Prostate Cancer Cells.Nutrition Cancer,64(4), 580-587. doi:10.1080/01635581.2012.661514 This reference provides with the information of how the catechin present in the green tea have anticancerous properties. Catechins like Epigallocatechin-3-gallate helps in preventing the metastasis in cancer. Conclusion It can hereby be concluded that green tea has got some really good effects on the health. It has got the antioxidant properties that helps to relieve the oxidative stress and thus helps in inhibiting cancer. Although there are several health benefits of consuming green tea, there are very few research articles that support the raised PICO question. References Connors, S. K., Chornokur, G., Kumar, N. B. (2012). New Insights Into the Mechanisms of Green Tea Catechins in the Chemoprevention of Prostate Cancer.Nutrition Cancer,64(1), 4-22. doi:10.1080/01635581.2012.630158 Iwasaki, M., Mizusawa, J., Kasuga, Y., Yokoyama, S., Onuma, H., Nishimura, H., ... Tsugane, S. (2014). Green Tea Consumption and Breast Cancer Risk in Japanese Women: A Case-Control Study.Nutrition Cancer,66(1), 57-67. doi:10.1080/01635581.2014.847963 Lanfang, W., Xingwei, Z., Jing, L., Li, S., Zhiqiang, L. (2014). Tea consumption and lung cancer risk: A meta-analysis of case-control and cohort studies.Nutrition,30(10), 1122-1127. doi:10.1016/j.nut.2014.02.023 Vance, T. M., Su, J., Fontham, E. H., Koo, S. I., Chun, O. K. (2013). Dietary Antioxidants and Prostate Cancer: A Review.Nutrition Cancer,65(6), 793-801. doi:10.1080/01635581.2013.806672 Wang, P., Heber, D., Henning, S. M. (2012). Quercetin Increased the Antiproliferative Activity of Green Tea Polyphenol (-)-Epigallocatechin Gallate in Prostate Cancer Cells.Nutrition Cancer,64(4), 580-587. doi:10.1080/01635581.2012.661514
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